a new background image for the new year


NOTE 'Space Sites' is now 'Travel'
while 'Talks' has its own direct link
A few pages however have gone completely...

(...there was no point in running an on-line photo library, when the vast majority is all out there anyway)

Click on any image, or highlighted text, for more details

NOTE Pages within this site appear in this window, external pages appear in their own window

The most recent book - Haynes Model Builders' Manual Haynes
check BIOG page or its own page

UPDATED - the Talks page

There's an addition to The Model Services page

I webmaster three other sites, click logos to take you direct.
The Astronomical Society
of Haringey
Glencoe Models



smallspace, The Model Market and MEDIA MODELLING

Click on the logo - right - to take you to the main HaMeX site.
Two shows are detailed below.
All can be accessed direct from the HaMeX Home Page, plus the other shows currently 'taking a break'

What has ended up as the largest show, was added in 2012. This centres around space, science fiction and fantasy modelling - and is named after this website - so smallspace

Started in 2018, MEDIA MODELLING, is the 'Spring' show that replaces AUTOMODELLISMO and Extreme Weathering - but contains elements of both

Med Mod


The Technical Stuff

The original website on the Demon server, was created in April 1997. Up until 2016 it remained very much in the way it was created way back then, and reached, in perhaps not too logical numbering, Version 14

Historical - the old website smallspace.demon.co.uk closed, Monday 23rd May 2016 (however for the last year it was only re-directing you to here!) So it lasted almost 20 years, from April 1997 until May 2016

This is Version 15 on a new server. It still uses in the main traditional web-building techniques, in the aim to keep it simple, so that it will download reasonably fast and not clog up increasingly overburdened broadband systems, even if you are on fibre

The MENU - left - opens all pages in THIS window, as do links on this main contents page - and other pages. To return here, use the HOME link, either at the top of the menu or at the bottom of each page. (Or use the 'back' button on your browser.)
External sites open in their own window.

Mat Irvine


Mat Irvine
can be contacted at : <mat@matirvine.com>

Original Demon site created: April 1997

Final update to that site : July 2015 v. 14.02.31

New site on line August 2015 v.15.00.00

Most recent update March 2024 v.

All text and photographs, unless otherwise stated,

please do not copy them without permission

Background image : The Very Large Array, New Mexico

Pages are generally optimised at 1280 x 1024

Any problems with downloading and/or viewing please send comments to : webmaster